Well, fast forward several months, many expensive Drs appointments and lab tests, a kitchen remodel that just won't end, broken down cars, revolting bodies, food intolerances, budget limitations, etc... later and here we are. Barely moved forward in our goals and way past when we thought we would have been halfway through the adoption process, something had to give. But nothing did... except us.
Tired of waiting and being bullied by life, we decided to go ahead and meet with Commonwealth Catholic Charities, the organization that would be doing our home study. I had an orientation meeting and got the application and information we needed to get started. We hung onto that application for nearly a month, still struggling to make the commitment due to finances, etc. Well, today I sent that application in! We decided to refuse to be influenced by our circumstances any longer. Do we have all the money we need? Nope. Is our kitchen done? Nope. Is winter coming and firewood season upon us? Yep. Seems like a terrible time to start? Sort of. But God's timeline is not our timeline. His ways are not our ways. The quicker we learn this, the better off we will be and the less stressed out, too!
This kid. Love him. He was so excited to be officially starting!
P.S. I want your opinion! I have this thing about not fundraising before we are finished with our home study, just to be sure we get approved. Am I being silly? Fundraising right before Christmas, especially the Equal Exchange fundraiser (can we say amazing chocolate and gifts?!), would be the perfect time. How do you guys feel about it?
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